
Sunday 3 April 2011

Happy Mothers Day to all the mums out there..

Just wanted to wish all the mums amongst my blogging friends a special day......  Hope you have nice things happen today.....  it's our one day in the year that we can celebrate that special gift of being a mum!

Hugs to all
Christine xx


  1. A Happy Mothers day to you too Christine.. hope you have a fabulous day whatever you are doing.
    Lisa x

  2. Hi Christine Happy Mothers day to you too.. been a busy one for me ..were trimming the front hedge down 1ft or more..must have at least 15 council bags
    to be emptied to morrow..I got flowers from Alison.& a PINK oven glove from Steven..well a least it was PINK..LOL

    smiles the other Christine xx

  3. Happy Mothers Day to you too Christine.
    I hope you've had a lovely relaxing day.
    We've been out all day, visiting my Mum and then Phils mum so we've not been home much.

    Love Elaine xxx

  4. Happy Mothers Day to you too Christine...I hope you had a fantastic day
    Mina xxx

  5. Hope you had a fab day too Christine, I had to work but I got tea in bed first and cards even one from my daughter who is travelling in New Zealnd at the moment so that was a nice surprise
    Hugs Laurie x


If you like what you see and have a moment, please say hello.. it means a lot to me..
Christine x