
Friday 26 November 2010

No card - but I'M A HAPPY BUNNY!!

Hi All

Just needed to share - my local hairdressers has been selling my jewellery and knitted brooches in her shop - and I went yesterday for a cut and colour, and was presented with £134 for what they'd sold so far!! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT??? And they wanted to order more - and more of the knitted brooches because they had taken orders for them!! YAYYYYYYYY!!

Sorry, now I can calm down now I've shouted from the rooftops (well ok, from my blog...hehe)! I took my Christmas Card samples in to see if there was any interest to order personalised ones, and have to go back tomorrow. And I'm STILL nervous! What's the matter with me? LOL!

Anyway - it's a bit BRRRRRRRRR here - hope you're all OK and have a wonderful (if cold..) weekend. We're off to the St Nicholas's Fair in York tomorrow - but first have to go to the hospital for my OH to be checked out on the treadmill while they monitor his heart. He has tachicardia (sp?) - and had one or two problems early October - but thank goodness, they've calmed down now - but typical that they're only now doing the test!

Anyway will be back soon
Christine x


  1. Hi Christine cant think WHY your so surprised your jewellery & brooches ARE gorgeous ..stop cutting yourself short woman..go kick some ass..well done you..XXXXXX

    smiles Christine xx

  2. wow christine, that is fantastic.its great when people love your creations.i hope you are going to treat yourself with the money you have made so far :D

    xx coops xx

  3. Congrats hun - treat yourself
    Sarah x

  4. Fantastic news! Congratulations! Give yourself a really fab Chrissy present, you've earned it!!!

    luv, Mags x

  5. What lovely news! Treat yourself to some more crafty goodies!
    Hugs, Alison x


If you like what you see and have a moment, please say hello.. it means a lot to me..
Christine x