
Sunday 26 September 2010

Not card related - but what'd you think of these?

Hi Girls

Sorry I've not been around lately, but we've just had a few lovely peaceful days away in North Wales then the Peaks, and while we were in
Bakewell I bought a lovely crocheted flower brooch (from an arts and crafts centre) - the brooch is perfect for a winter cardigan/coat, or handbag! Sooooooooo as you know, I love being inspired - and I decided to have a go at making them! I had a pattern that came to me from my sister - so I bought some wool and here are the results! I'm hoping to have a stall at a local craft show in the near future - selling my cards (of course!), the jewellery that I make, and now these brooches. Do you think they'd sell well? Would love your feedback!

I had to really scratch my head to remember how to knit - it must be at least 20 years since I've cast on a stitch! And that was the problem - I could remember how to cast on - but couldn't for the life of me think how to get the first loop! Ah well,,,,,, it came back eventually!

Bye for now - look forward to hearing your comments as always....
Christine x


  1. Hiya too been off the blog life getting in the way love these broches but I would be making them into flowers for me cards...LOL well you know me cards cards the fluffy wool too..think I have some like that in the loft Was for a cardy I never knitted..
    take care speak soon.

    smiles Christine xx

  2. These are great, so pretty.


  3. very nice - great idea...can be used on sooo many things

  4. These are just gorgeous! What a great idea!

    luv, Mags x

  5. wow these are so gorgeous christine.beautiful colours.they would look great on cards too :)

    xx coops xx


If you like what you see and have a moment, please say hello.. it means a lot to me..
Christine x