
Monday 18 March 2013


Well, this is what I got.... and what I daren't open yet!!  Well, actually, I'm one of these that saves the pleasure till the house is empty - then I get that lovely feeling all over again!  Anyone else do that???

And these were some of the lovely ladies I was with.....  in the front (left) is me (d'oh), Elaine, and T'other Christine... and Avril is standing behind us.  But also there were Lisa, Mau, and Kath plus lots of other lovely ladies that are bloggettes - isn't it good to meet up with such fabulous friends!  I think our table may have been voted the noisiest, with the most cameras...  but what the heck!

Just to say thank you ladies....  you really are all very special to me... and actually the meeting up is more of a reason to go to the show than the actual craft stash buying............  errrrr..........  HONEST!!

Big hugs to all and a photo when I've opened the bags will follow soon..
Christine xx


  1. Oh, can't wait to see what you bought! Glad you had a great time!

  2. Looking forward to seeing your crafty stash. I am looking forward to the same excitement after a visit to the NEC this weekend. I feel like a kid in a sweet shop at craft fairs!!!
    Hugs Sharon. x

  3. What a lovely picture Christine but get those bags open for goodness sake I can't wait to see what you bought!!


  4. Hi Christine
    It was lovely to meet you on Saturday
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  5. Can't wait to see what's in your bags Christine - fab photo - thanks for sharing.
    Debs xx

  6. Awww Christine do I look THAT old?? dont answer that..!Now you are NOT being fair I wanna see inside those bags soon..fab having a hug IRL.. & of course a good ole natter..speak soon.

    smiles Christine tother one..XX

  7. Looking forward to seeing what you've bought!! LOL

  8. Lovely photograph of you ladies, but c'mon wumman, get them out of the bag so we can have a nosey!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Jackie xx

  9. I'm kind of with you on this one. I often come over all 'delayed gratification' when a craft order arrives by post and just look at it for a few hours before opening it...but occasionally I just rip it open straight away!
    I'm glad you had such a lovely time at the show :-)
    Kat x

  10. I did empty my bags yesterday but only to shove the stuff in the cupboard until weekend when I've got time to put it away in it's proper place.

    I had a blast!! And your goodly self and Bazzin' Barry are the perfect hosts...thank you kindly for putting up with must have some patience!

    Looking forward to the next time :)

    Big hugs
    Elaine xxx

  11. Hope you've opened your bags by now!
    Great to meet up again and of course its the only reason to go to the show - Buying stash is just something to do to pass the rest of the time away.
    Hugs, Avril


If you like what you see and have a moment, please say hello.. it means a lot to me..
Christine x