
Saturday 21 May 2011

Wish me luck as you wave me goodbye........

And if you're old enough to remember that song.....  you're nearly as old as me!! LOL

Just to say that I'm going on my hols tomorrow.... off to Kefalonia for a week, so please don't do too many fantastic cards while I'm away, or I won't be able to catch up with you all!

I'll miss my daily blog fix......  but hope the sun, sea, sand and nice looking Greek waiters will make up for it... I've loaded up my Kindle - now all I need is a nice glass of wine.....
Big Hugs
Christine x


  1. Sadly I AMM OLD NUFF to remember this song..enjoy your break..we have lovely sunshine but windy my neck of the woods 2day..

    smiles the other Christine xx

  2. Have a fab time Christine.. i have never heard of the song!!! ( lol)
    Hope to see some fab pics on your return
    Lisa x

  3. Have a great holiday Christine, and bring back some sunshine (and a cute waiter or two) when you return to Blighty. Have fun, and post some piccies when you get back. Annette xx

  4. Bon Voyage Christine or should I say Shirley Valentine! lol
    I'm not old enough but I do know that song - I blame my mum and dad

    Have a great time

  5. have a fantastic holiday christine.i hope the weather is as hot as the waiters ;D

    xx coops xx

  6. Have a fabulous time Christine.
    Hugs Emma x

  7. have a wonderful fantastic break Sister has been twice and loves it...enjoy the sun and bring us a bit back please
    Mina xxx

  8. Are you back yet Christine, or did you decide to stay there after all? I hope you had a fab time. Where are the piccies ?!?!? Annette xx


If you like what you see and have a moment, please say hello.. it means a lot to me..
Christine x