
Saturday 29 January 2011

No card today

Hi there

No card from me today but I'd just like to thank Lisa-Jane from Mess 2 Magic and also Sarah over at Stressed Stamper who've both given me this lovely award which I'm thrilled to accept.  Thank you both.

Now the difficult bit, I have to find blogsthat I love  that haven't been given this award by someone already!  Here are the rules (copied from Lisa's blog.... thanks Lisa!)

Here are the conditions for the 'Love Blog' award.

You have been TAGGED and want to participate?

Create a post where you post the 'LOVE BLOG' image.

You should also blog the person's link that gave you the award and inform her/him that you accept the award.

You can then choose 3 - 5 favourite blogs which you also link in your post, then each blogger will inform you that they have been tagged.

So here goes with my picks:

Peri - Stuff 
Mags - Madcap Manor

Have a wander over to their blogs....  they have some stunning creations and are often an inspiration to me!

Christine x


  1. My pleasure Christine .. its nice to make a new Crafty friend
    Lisa ;)

  2. A very belated thank you for the award and the kind words!

    luv, Mags x


If you like what you see and have a moment, please say hello.. it means a lot to me..
Christine x